Dreaming about achieving great things and living a life filled with fun and excitement is always the first step to making your dreams come true. While most people at one time or the other lazily dream of having this or doing that, very few take this process to the next level of making these dreams come true. When it is time for action, the winners get to work while the would-be winners get lost.
These would-be winners choose to play it safe and remain in their comfy zone, regardless of how uncomfortable in reality it may be for them. They are so overly concerned about taking a risk and making a mistake that they unfortunately assume the biggest risk of all. They choose to lose rather than play to win. Oh sure, some of these pretenders can talk a pretty good game, but when it comes time to lay it all out on the line and play ball, their words speak much louder than their actions.
There is one and only one way for your life to get better. Your life will get better if, and only if, you decide to change your life for the better. Let me correct myself. Your life will get better when (not “if”) you decide to change it for the better. Whenever you want to amend or alter the way your life is going or the direction you are heading, change is the key. Rather than just talking about it, you need to go out there and make those needed changes right then and right there.
You need to walk your walk, talk your talk and live your life with intensity, passion and purpose. It is not merely enough to simply want to win, you have to demonstrate the will to win. You can fulfill your destiny on earth only when you are willing to answer the challenge of doing your best and being your best – every single day. It is time to stop talking and start doing. Please make absolutely certain that your actions always speak much louder than your words.
****I read this and wanted to share it.....far too often it is much easier to stay in our comfort zone but so much is waiting right outside it.....My new years resolution is to make sure I am living with my eyes open so I don't just stay where it's comfortable but put some passion and purpose back in my life.....I encourage you to do the same!****
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
PLEASE help and give back...these kids deserve something special!

Hat Drive
Hello everyone.......as a member of The Littlest Heroes Project we were given a challenge today to consider doing some sort of "Holiday Drive" for these special and deserving children. I want to throw my hat in the ring to help by organizing a "hat drive" If you have not checked out the link on the front page of my website for the Littlest Heroes Project please take a minute and check out this VERY worthy cause. While as a professional photographer my part in this was to give free photo sessions and a disk of images to families who had a child with a serious or life threatening illness it goes much deeper than that. These are children who need someone fighting for them...many have illnesses noone has ever heard of and this leaves their families feeling very alone and misunderstood at times. This is very sad when what these families need more than anything is support!
Here is how YOU can help!!
Send or bring me new hats.....ANY childrens hats will be appreciated the brighter the better....there are many children in our organization dealing with hair loss from chemotherapy. If you will take a minute to think of things your own kids "want" and realizing how frivolous many of those things are and then remember THESE children who simply want a way to hide their cute little bald heads and feel like a normal kid again. This is not a "want" this is a "need" PLEASE consider helping out!!
I would be happy to pick hats up or they can be mailed to me. If you would like my mailing address or want to schedule a pick up please email me through my website under "contact" If you want to donate money for hats to be purchased I am happy to do that as well.
Please note: ALL ITEMS MUST BE NEW because of all of the children’s health issues, we do not want to send used or dirty items to already ill children.
Thank you in advance for ANY help you can provide....these kids truly deserve to know someone cares about them! :)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Don't just hope...know!
I was inspired by an artist this week I stumbled upon by accident...I think his work is amazing and his quotes are inspiring so I wanted to share my favorites in my blog. To view all of his work go to: www.rodney-white.com
Too often we hope for things in our life...to be happier, to achieve something, to make a difference, to leave our mark.....It's time to stop hoping and start making things change! :)

If you dream it, do it...........If you want it, get it!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
the secret to happiness..........
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Wishes of the Heart...........
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy 4th of July!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
ice cream, sno cones & candy...OH MY!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Littlest Heroes Project/Curt the Squirt :)

I met Curtis through a organization I joined for professional photographers called "The Littlest Heroes Project" where you donate your time/talents to give a family dealing with serious or terminal illness a free photo session with their "little hero" :) I was SO excited to be able to be a part of this and give back so when I got the call that there was a family near St. Louis wanting a session I was happy to make the trip! The following is from his website which helps family and friends know how he is doing:
as of 4/08 Curtis now is at 3mos cognitive and fuctional level, he has 'brain freeze' moments(where his brain slows down so much he can no longer function-swallow,walk,etc)he has severe migranes and trouble tracking objects. as of 5/30 his new dx added is neuro-degentive dystrophy. That's a fancy way of saying the dystrophy is destroying his brain as well as his muscles. We're not ashamed to say we fight these battles on our knees.
this is the beautiful "thank you" his Mom left for me on the same website after our session last Sunday:
I want to send out a big thank you to Kara for taking such great pics of Curtis and the crew. You are one of the earth angels,in my book. All day I prayed please Lord let her get at least a couple of pics with Curtis being aware. And do you know what- not only was he aware he smiled really big for her. It was great. Kara you have given us such a wonderful gift. These will be something we can look back on-when the time comes that he can't smile anymore. Everytime we look at these pics I will be blessed over and over again because of the wonderful thing you have done. Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough,but it comes from the heart.
Sharon- I feel lucky to have met and worked with your family. I admire your strength and your courage through all you deal with on a daily basis....but I have seen Curtis smile so I can see exactly how that alone could keep you going! :) Thank you for giving me a small glimpse into your life as it touched my heart in a beautiful way! My thoughts and prayers will be with you through your journey.............Kara
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wakarusa 2008-Lawrence, Kansas

WOW...what an amazing opportunity this was! I just cannot say enough about how much fun I had shooting these bands and camping for THREE days!! :) Well, the first night in true Kansas tornado season fashion we got chased into Lawrence (Thanks, Emily!) but nights two and three were AWESOME! A little hot in my small tent but then that's to be expected!
I made some great new friends and learned alot too- for example:
- Always have an air pump nearby...your air mattress WILL be flat by morning!
- Garlic pepper french fries at 2 am (the bands play till 4 am) are quite yummy!
- If you lay or sit in the grass to watch the bands at night watch out for flying beer :p
- An ice cream cone on a hot, humid day....is an interesting feat to say the least!
- Same goes for a sno cone........eat it quick as it turns straight to water!
- Yummy campground french toast...it does actually work to eat it with your hands...load up the syrup and share with your friends!
- Breakfast burritos the size of your head!!
- Having your tent nearly blow over and thinking maybe the RV people have the right idea!
- Seeing inside the RV's and realizing WOW they have their very own shower, air conditioning and yet they would rather be in tents because truly they are more fun!
- You can ride a shuttle around to every campground and STILL not get a shower
- Realizing that you were so busy taking pics of the bands that you forgot pics with your new friends.....send me your pics!
- Friends who can see you first thing in the morning with no makeup, no place to shower, and can we say "listerine please" and still want to be around you=PRICELESS! :D
I had an amazing time and I will NEVER forget my first Wakarusa.....here's to many more!! :)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
the power of friendship............

A true friend never walks away
A true will always stay
A true friend looks out for you
A true friend will guard your secrets
Like a precious gift
A true friend is there for you
To give you a helpful lift
A true friend tries to make you smile
Tries to replace that frown
They may not always succeed
But they rarely let you down
These arms for you are open
This heart for you does care
And when I think you need me
I'll try to always be there
I'll listen to your fears
I promise not to laugh
Comfort your falling tears
I'll make this friendship last
I'll keep you near to my heart
I'll always hold you dear
Even when we're miles apart
Even when you're here
I hope I am to you
Everything you are to me
For the friendship we have
Is a special one indeed.
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Essence of Change.........

Learn to embrace change, and you'll begin to recognize that life is in constant motion, and every change happens for a reason. When you see boundaries as opportunities, the world becomes a limitless place, and your life becomes a journey of change that always finds its way.
Sometimes the door is there just waiting for you to walk through it..........
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy 6th Birthday Nate!!

Ahhhh my little Nate, my sweet 6 year old......how the last 6 years have flown by! Nate is my middle child who came into this world almost two full months early weighing 4 lbs 8 1/2 oz.
You would NEVER guess this funny and rough and tough little boy was ever considered a preemie! I am blessed to be the mom of three healthy kids and I never take that for granted!
So Happy Birthday to my sweet little "Naterbug" :)
You would NEVER guess this funny and rough and tough little boy was ever considered a preemie! I am blessed to be the mom of three healthy kids and I never take that for granted!
So Happy Birthday to my sweet little "Naterbug" :)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Grasping Happiness.......
Friday, February 29, 2008
Challenge Me............

Sometimes in life we reach a "wall" a place where we know we cannot grow unless we push through it......this is not always easy but it is a necessary step. I like to be challenged, I like to push myself and see what I can accomplish.....it is hard to overcome the fear involved sometimes but we just have to keep going.
Truth 1. The fear will never go away as long as I continue to grow.
When we feel stuck, going nowhere--even starting to slip backwards--we may
actually be backing up to get a running start! :)
I will accept this challenge.........push myself..........not give up........I think there will be GREAT things on the other side of this "wall"
Five Truths about Fear
Truth 1. The fear will never go away as long as I continue to grow.
Truth 2. The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it.
Truth 3. The only way to feel better about myself is to go out… and do it.
Truth 4. Not only am I going to experience fear whenever I’m on unfamiliar territory, but so is everyone else.
Truth 5. Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness.
I guess the purpose of my blog is to say "Keep running the good race....eventually you'll reach the finish line!"
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
l. o. v. e. <3

we use our hands to build and destroy, to hold and to hurt. with fingers we can love and care. two feet carry our souls through the miles. our backs shoulder everything from anguish, to contentment, to the happiness of ourselves and others. we harness the unique ability to express emotions through not only our voices but our bodies as well.
so what if our palms, our feet, arms, backs and faces; these weathered and worn works in progress could speak out? what would they say? we so very often vocalize with our posture and stance more than with our own voices at times it seems. and with this, we become far more vulnerable than any of us would like to admit when we realize that by someone watching our physical movements,our true selves can be exposed.
a movie was on one evening and in it this idea of consciously opening up ourselves to being vulnerable was considered. by becoming vulnerable it may bring us to a point of sacredness. for if we let ourselves be seen, then we might be lucky enough to see others in the same way; a truly beautiful and obviously sacred thing. so what are your hands, your hearts, and your shoulders saying? do they speak out one word or a novel of sentences,and are you ready for others to see?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Growth is the only evidence of life........in change there is beauty.

We do not grow absolutely, chronologically.
We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly.
We grow partially.We are relative.We are mature in one realm, childish in another.
The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present.
We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.
In describing today's accelerating changes, the media fire blips of unrelated information at us. Experts bury us under mountains of narrowly specialized monographs.
Popular forecasters present lists of unrelated trends, without any model to show us their interconnections or the forces likely to reverse them.
As a result, change itself comes to be seen as anarchic, even lunatic.
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting,for in movement there is life,and in change there is beauty. :)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Conditions of the Heart

I added a series to my website that I created and photographed titled "Conditions of the Heart" this was such a fun project for me.........or maybe fun yet bittersweet. The heart is a funny thing....so many emotions that can affect you SO deeply....so for that series I picked this quote to share:
Anothers heart is a rare and fragile gift....hold it gently and with both hands
Here's hoping your heart feels secure and full of peace! :)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
You are worthy.............

I really had nothing to blog about :p but I really liked this quote! Hope you have a great day and always know you are worthy of much! :)
We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Sometimes you have to bite off more than you can chew!

I am finding that if you put your heart into something there is no telling how far you can go. They say one person with a belief is equal to the force of ninety-nine who have only interests...I visualized this dream and it was a big one but I pushed forward learning the things I needed to know and all the while knowing it was my passion that was driving it in the first place. Now I am focusing on networking and advertising to grow my business as I am finding that word of mouth is very powerful!
If opportunity doesn't knock.......build a door!
Friday, January 4, 2008
You have a smile that lights up the world....

My Addie-girl what can I say she is my best model! She said today "mommy, come and take my picture and I am going to hold a candy cane" apparently she listens to me talk about props :P while taking pictures. She is usually a great little model but today she thought it would be rather funny if she just kept her eyes shut.....after much prodding I thought...well, that's Addie and I took the picture! I wish you could have heard her giggling trying SO hard to not open her eyes! :P
I thought I would try and add a blog...maybe even everyday...just to show some of my personal photography adventures....this IS my passion even if I am only taking pictures of my own kids. I know I am creating memories for them that even if they cannot remember they will see the pictures and KNOW some of the funny, sweet and just plain cute things they did growing up!
Enjoy a little taste of my world :)
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Once Upon a Dream :)

Finally the time has come to get my website launched...this was very exciting for me!! :)
The best way to predict your future is to create it!
I am trying to do that in all areas of my life. They say if you love what you do for a living then you will never work a day in your life. Photography is my passion.....I don't know everything that I should yet but why wait till conditions are perfect to launch into your dream....I think if you wait for everything to be "perfect" you will just spend your life waiting. I want to get down the road and have no regrets...... I want to be able to look back and say.....sure I messed up sometimes but I learned from it.......everyone else may remember all your mistakes that doesn't mean you cannot learn from them and then forget them....I will not let my failures define me.
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