Friday, June 20, 2008

ice cream, sno cones & candy...OH MY!

With my kids being home from school and for some reason thinking
summer=unlimited sugar intake I thought the following quote was cute! ;)
Life is like a hot fudge sundae, sometimes messy but always delicious!
Here's wishing you a SWEET summer!! :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Littlest Heroes Project/Curt the Squirt :)

I met Curtis through a organization I joined for professional photographers called "The Littlest Heroes Project" where you donate your time/talents to give a family dealing with serious or terminal illness a free photo session with their "little hero" :) I was SO excited to be able to be a part of this and give back so when I got the call that there was a family near St. Louis wanting a session I was happy to make the trip! The following is from his website which helps family and friends know how he is doing:

as of 4/08 Curtis now is at 3mos cognitive and fuctional level, he has 'brain freeze' moments(where his brain slows down so much he can no longer function-swallow,walk,etc)he has severe migranes and trouble tracking objects. as of 5/30 his new dx added is neuro-degentive dystrophy. That's a fancy way of saying the dystrophy is destroying his brain as well as his muscles. We're not ashamed to say we fight these battles on our knees.

this is the beautiful "thank you" his Mom left for me on the same website after our session last Sunday:

I want to send out a big thank you to Kara for taking such great pics of Curtis and the crew. You are one of the earth angels,in my book. All day I prayed please Lord let her get at least a couple of pics with Curtis being aware. And do you know what- not only was he aware he smiled really big for her. It was great. Kara you have given us such a wonderful gift. These will be something we can look back on-when the time comes that he can't smile anymore. Everytime we look at these pics I will be blessed over and over again because of the wonderful thing you have done. Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough,but it comes from the heart.

Sharon- I feel lucky to have met and worked with your family. I admire your strength and your courage through all you deal with on a daily basis....but I have seen Curtis smile so I can see exactly how that alone could keep you going! :) Thank you for giving me a small glimpse into your life as it touched my heart in a beautiful way! My thoughts and prayers will be with you through your journey.............Kara

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wakarusa 2008-Lawrence, Kansas

WOW...what an amazing opportunity this was! I just cannot say enough about how much fun I had shooting these bands and camping for THREE days!! :) Well, the first night in true Kansas tornado season fashion we got chased into Lawrence (Thanks, Emily!) but nights two and three were AWESOME! A little hot in my small tent but then that's to be expected!

I made some great new friends and learned alot too- for example:

  • Always have an air pump nearby...your air mattress WILL be flat by morning!

  • Garlic pepper french fries at 2 am (the bands play till 4 am) are quite yummy!

  • If you lay or sit in the grass to watch the bands at night watch out for flying beer :p

  • An ice cream cone on a hot, humid an interesting feat to say the least!

  • Same goes for a sno it quick as it turns straight to water!

  • Yummy campground french does actually work to eat it with your hands...load up the syrup and share with your friends!

  • Breakfast burritos the size of your head!!

  • Having your tent nearly blow over and thinking maybe the RV people have the right idea!

  • Seeing inside the RV's and realizing WOW they have their very own shower, air conditioning and yet they would rather be in tents because truly they are more fun!

  • You can ride a shuttle around to every campground and STILL not get a shower

  • Realizing that you were so busy taking pics of the bands that you forgot pics with your new friends.....send me your pics!

  • Friends who can see you first thing in the morning with no makeup, no place to shower, and can we say "listerine please" and still want to be around you=PRICELESS! :D

I had an amazing time and I will NEVER forget my first's to many more!! :)