Hat Drive
Hello everyone.......as a member of The Littlest Heroes Project we were given a challenge today to consider doing some sort of "Holiday Drive" for these special and deserving children. I want to throw my hat in the ring to help by organizing a "hat drive" If you have not checked out the link on the front page of my website for the Littlest Heroes Project please take a minute and check out this VERY worthy cause. While as a professional photographer my part in this was to give free photo sessions and a disk of images to families who had a child with a serious or life threatening illness it goes much deeper than that. These are children who need someone fighting for them...many have illnesses noone has ever heard of and this leaves their families feeling very alone and misunderstood at times. This is very sad when what these families need more than anything is support!
Here is how YOU can help!!
Send or bring me new hats.....ANY childrens hats will be appreciated the brighter the better....there are many children in our organization dealing with hair loss from chemotherapy. If you will take a minute to think of things your own kids "want" and realizing how frivolous many of those things are and then remember THESE children who simply want a way to hide their cute little bald heads and feel like a normal kid again. This is not a "want" this is a "need" PLEASE consider helping out!!
I would be happy to pick hats up or they can be mailed to me. If you would like my mailing address or want to schedule a pick up please email me through my website under "contact" If you want to donate money for hats to be purchased I am happy to do that as well.
Please note: ALL ITEMS MUST BE NEW because of all of the children’s health issues, we do not want to send used or dirty items to already ill children.
Thank you in advance for ANY help you can provide....these kids truly deserve to know someone cares about them! :)
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