Saturday, December 20, 2008

Actions Speak Louder than Words....Make it a GREAT 2009!!

Dreaming about achieving great things and living a life filled with fun and excitement is always the first step to making your dreams come true. While most people at one time or the other lazily dream of having this or doing that, very few take this process to the next level of making these dreams come true. When it is time for action, the winners get to work while the would-be winners get lost.

These would-be winners choose to play it safe and remain in their comfy zone, regardless of how uncomfortable in reality it may be for them. They are so overly concerned about taking a risk and making a mistake that they unfortunately assume the biggest risk of all. They choose to lose rather than play to win. Oh sure, some of these pretenders can talk a pretty good game, but when it comes time to lay it all out on the line and play ball, their words speak much louder than their actions.

There is one and only one way for your life to get better. Your life will get better if, and only if, you decide to change your life for the better. Let me correct myself. Your life will get better when (not “if”) you decide to change it for the better. Whenever you want to amend or alter the way your life is going or the direction you are heading, change is the key. Rather than just talking about it, you need to go out there and make those needed changes right then and right there.

You need to walk your walk, talk your talk and live your life with intensity, passion and purpose. It is not merely enough to simply want to win, you have to demonstrate the will to win. You can fulfill your destiny on earth only when you are willing to answer the challenge of doing your best and being your best – every single day. It is time to stop talking and start doing. Please make absolutely certain that your actions always speak much louder than your words.

****I read this and wanted to share it.....far too often it is much easier to stay in our comfort zone but so much is waiting right outside it.....My new years resolution is to make sure I am living with my eyes open so I don't just stay where it's comfortable but put some passion and purpose back in my life.....I encourage you to do the same!****

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