Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lessons from my Addie :)

Playing with my daughter today I was reminded of a quote I really like.

"What would you do if you KNEW you would not fail"

While for me that quote has a much deeper meaning..... today I watched her as she effortlessly soared off the bed into my arms after only once saying "mommy catch me" she did not wait, she did not hesitate...she jumped.....she was confident I would catch her and I did. While my daughter loves being a little princess I would be remiss in leaving out that she is equally a tomboy thanks to her brothers. She has no fear.

I thought about how sometimes we let fear hold us back from the things we want to do because we are scared of failing. I think if we let fear rule we can miss out on once in a lifetime opportunities and experiences. Life is too short for regrets!

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